Did you know that dietitians do more than just help people lose weight? We also help people understand how nutrition impacts their bodies including changes in appetite, stomach and gut issues, difficulties with mealtimes, weight-related issues, as well as tube feeding and supplements.

Stomach and gut issues
We recognise that mealtimes are not safe and enjoyable for everyone, and can sometimes be uncomfortable or painful. We aim to support people to decrease discomfort around mealtimes and make food choices which support their individual mealtime needs.
We can offer:
Individual assessments and reviews for babies, children, and adults
Support to identify potential causes of constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, or other stomach issues
Support with existing and newly diagnosed allergies, irritable bowel syndrome and food intolerances
Eating and drinking should not be uncomfortable or painful. We acknowledge the complexity of mealtimes and actively work with people and their families to achieve positive outcomes.
Difficulties at mealtimes
We know that mealtimes can sometimes be a stressful and challenging time for families. Our Dietitian and Speech Pathologists work together to support people to have positive and enjoyable mealtime experiences.
We can offer:
Individual assessments and reviews for babies, children, and adults
Mealtime Management Plans
Intervention to support clients to expand the range of foods they enjoy
Intervention to support fussy eating, restrictive eating, food refusal, or bingeing.
Mealtimes can be complex, and we recognise the importance of supporting people to eat and drink in a safe and healthy way. We actively work with families and other health professionals to support our clients with mealtime difficulties.
Weight changes
We know that weight gain or weight loss can have a negative impact on your ability to participate in everyday activities. We aim to support people to understand their weight, relationship with food, and strategies to stabilise their weight
We can offer:
Individual assessments and reviews for babies, children, and adults
Support to identify and treat potential causes of weight changes
Recommendations and ideas to help people stabilise and then maintain their weight
Education around food choices, meal preparation, and recipe ideas
Development of Mealtime Management Plans
Too much weight gain can be a common side effect of medications and places extra pressure on a person's joints, making mobility more difficult. Too much weight loss makes it hard to fight infections and often leaves a person feeling tired and weak. We realise that it can be difficult to make weight-related changes alone, and we work alongside people and their families to help them meet their goals.
Enteral feeding and supplements
We understand that nutrition can be provided in a range of ways, not just through food. Our Dietitian has experience in enteral nutrition including nasogastric tubes, PEG, PEJ and supplementation and can tailor your prescription to meet your specific needs.
We can offer:
Individual enteral nutrition assessments
Individual assessments focussing on supplements
Training for families and support staff on enteral nutrition
Complete Assistive Technology (AT) application to assist with ongoing access to supplements and enteral feeds under the NDIS
Developing and review enteral feeding programs as required
Development of Mealtime Management Plans
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